September’s Sapphires

It’s nearly the end of September already, and we can’t go through this month without addressing its birthstone’s biggest myth:

Sapphires are blue, right?


Sapphires are perhaps the only natural gemstone that is available in almost every colour of the rainbow. Though blue is the most popular stone colour, and most often thought of when talking about sapphires, colours of yellow, green, orange, pink, purple and even clear (white) can also be found! In fact, September’s birthstone even come in every colour except red (red being rubies).

How can the same stone be so varied?

Both rubies and sapphires are part of the Corundum family of gems – a family in which is highly influenced by the presence of elements such as chromium; more chromium equals more red. Here’s how it works:

  • No chromium or iron and the stone appears colourless
  • Vanadium, and the stone appears violet or purple
  • Iron and chromium give the stones a yellow or orange colour
  • Padparadscha sapphires display a very specific pinky-orange hue
  • (though this is particularly rare and associated with Sri Lanka)

    About Sapphires

    Not only are sapphires the birthstone of September, but they also represent the 45th wedding anniversary gemstone. Since they have such an array of colours, they can be admired and worn by almost everyone!

    Many countries have sapphire deposits, with the most prized and valuable coming from Sri Lanka (formally Ceylon). Still today, the bright velvety cornflower blue stones are referred to as ‘Ceylon sapphires’.

    Here at Cry for the Moon we purchase many of our sapphires from our supplier of many years direct from Sri Lanka. We have built up a strong relationship allowing us to pick the brightest and most amazing sapphires to set in our beautiful bespoke jewellery.

    One of our favourite sapphires, the ‘Star Sapphires’, result from a rare naturally occurring phenomenon and exhibit a six-pointed star known as an asterism (and commonly a ‘Star Sapphire’). These stones will be cut into cabochon cut, finished with the look of a polished pebble, flat on one side.

    But don’t take our word for it! Even British Royalty show an admiration for the sapphire, with perhaps one of the most famous sapphires ever being available to view within the Crown Jewels. The Stuart Sapphire of 104ct is set within the Imperial State Crown and can be viewed with a visit to the Tower of London.

    Visit our sapphire page or pop in store to see our fabulous range of jewellery and rings.

    Emeralds: The Reasons Why I Love Them

    It’s finally May, and the trees are now almost full of leaves; bright and vibrant greens of many shades. Perhaps this is why Emerald is the birthstone for May; it radiates new life with its vivid, bright colour.

    On a personal note, Emerald is my favourite of all the coloured gems. Both my wife and mother own Emerald engagement rings since their birthdays both fall in May. I personally think Emerald engagement rings are both unique and wonderful, but it isn’t just my love for Emerald I wish to share today; I’m hoping to help you discover yours…

    What Are Emeralds

    Emeralds are part of the ‘Beryl family’, a family known for an array of different colours:

     Sky Blue  Aquamarine
     Pink  Morganite
     Yellow  Golden Beryl
     Red  Red Beryl
     Colourless  Goshenite


    Emeralds are the green variety, first thought to have been mined by the Egyptians in countries known now as Austria and Pakistan. Today, Emeralds have been discovered at gem-quality by many countries, including Zambia, Brazil, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, India, Russia, USA, Afghanistan and Madagascar, to name just a few.

    However, the most prized and valuable emeralds are still thought to be mined in Colombia. Featuring a deeper, more intense colour, better fire, brilliance and clarity, Colombian Emeralds are the most sought after for these reasons and hence command a higher value.

    A Stunning Structure

    Perhaps it’s the internal structure of Emeralds and their unique characteristic features that I find so compelling. Whilst most gems are considered ‘better’ if they are clean and free from flaws, Emeralds celebrate a uniqueness known as ‘La Jardin’ which only adds to their natural beauty.

    ‘The Garden’ of gemstones is likened to its unique fingerprint, each one as different and as mesmerising as the next. Yes, some Emeralds are beautifully clear, but this individual character just adds further fascinating appeal.

    Buy Today

    Here at Cry for the Moon, we have conceivably the largest selection of Emerald jewellery in Surrey, and certainly Guildford. We have some magnificent unique Emeralds encompassed within an array of rings, earrings, pendants, bracelets, bangles and brooches. We are certain we will offer an Emerald gemstone piece that you will love.

    If this article has inspired you to love Emeralds as much as I do, please visit our Emerald category and browse our fabulous range of options. Perhaps you’re looking to surprise somebody special, whether it be for a May birthday or a 55th wedding anniversary – whatever your reason may be, our team would love to help find the perfect emerald for you.